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How is my personal information kept safe?

The security of our players' information is extremely important, and we have different measures in place to keep the identity, preferences, and other information collected about our players confidential. This includes investing in our server, database, backup, firewall, and encryption technologies.

In line with data protection laws, only players can access their personal information. We don't give any details related to our players to third parties unless we are legally required to do so. All our employees have to follow this policy and must keep players' information strictly confidential. This obligation even continues once an employee has left our company.

Taking action to protect our players' information is a priority, and you also have a role to play. Remember that your account password is confidential, and you should not divulge it to anyone or let others discover it.

For more details about our Privacy Policy, go here.

How can I request information regarding my account?

You can submit a 'data subject request' about your account at any time via our software, mobile app, or website. If you do so, include a copy of your ID document (e.g., national identity card or passport) to verify your identity.

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